Thursday, May 29, 2008

Day 26 & Danity Kane WHERE IS THE HYPE?

So anyone who knows me knows that I am big fan of Diddy and this goes way back to his
"Bad Boy Empire Days" [thanks to my older brother]
Nevertheless, I believe that he doesn't promote or push his artist
Danity Kane and Day 26 both have solid records and I have yet to see/hear
a second single from either artist it seems like there only in the spotlight
for a week and then POOF!! They disappear why cant they be like other
groups/artist that make 4 solid videos and appear on the red carpet
it annoys the crap outta me to see TALENT go to waste...or are they WACK!!
Whatever the problem is over there at Bad Boy Diddy needs to fix it ASAP!
For the true fans, Day 26 next single is "Since You've Been Gone" & Danity Kane second single is "Bad Girl" two tracks that are a good choice and very strong!
Whats The Word?
[I'm Disgusted]
D a v e

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