Sunday, June 01, 2008



Some people are proud of their seams.
The things that makes them model material, college material.
Some people are lined with satin and have button backed buttons and that makes them lover material.
The fabric of this world is too material.
Things people take pride in I find satirical.
So in this world of man mades and blends
It is hard to find what material I am.
Maybe I am cotton?
Soft but attached to a hard history.
Maybe I am synthetic?
Made for a purpose,
Or some would just say phony.
The things that make people Mother material or management material.
Some people are perfectly finished,
Making them Role model material.
This world is too material.
I wonder where I fit in.
Is materialistic what I have to be,
For people to see the fabric of me?
Its Like 2 Days Until The Day I Was Born
I Am Feeling Really Whats the word? [wack]
Nevertheless I'm blessed to have made it
Happy Bday To Me!
Dave Whats The Word?

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